Entries by S.H. Block Tax Services

Stop the embarrassment Maryland!

Owing taxes is a very personal thing. Most of my clients would never dream of telling their neighbors, family members, and sometimes even their spouse that they owe taxes. The flip side to that coin is the State of Maryland is all too happy to announce to the world that you owe a tax debt. […]

Do taxes go away after 10 years?

The collection statute expiration date (CSED), or the COSED are the time limits the IRS has to collect on your debt. Yes, Federal taxes do expire but Maryland State taxes do not. Federal taxes expire after a ten-year period from last assessment. Meaning that back taxes from 2006 and the IRS’s ability to collect on […]

Off Season Tax Tips

Most of us have made it past tax time and are looking forward to the summer. Some of us are still gathering last minute tax items and trying to finish up before October. I thought I would share a few off season tax tips that can help prepare you for a profitable 2016 Tax Year. […]